Full Moon – Nov 4, 2017

This moon is a full moon in Taurus and luxury is important to Taurus.  In this full moon energy we are seeing “luxury” as a sense of fluidityEnjoy your physical world during this period of transformation, and allow it to support you while you release what is not serving your life.  This is a powerful time of accelerated transformation, however, it requires you to let go of the struggle so that you can experience success.  Again, the fluidity is in allowing the physical world to support you on this trek – like a gentle stream, it flows with the curve of the banks, following the path of least resistance, however, over time it carves out a new path and redirects the flow of water.

Shine your light!  You have a choice to flip the internal script right now.  If you struggle, if you find yourself in anger or unwanted emotional skirmishes, move into understanding.  Part of the energy you’ll experience in the letting go can bring a sense of mourning, however, not in a dark way, but more in building back to strength and fortitude as a result.  There is a deeper sense of wisdom, and a strong awareness of self-worth, beauty, and power waiting for you during this moon phase.

These opportunities add up to a powerful time to manifest your deepest desires – IF  you are able to let go of resistance or struggle.

I am supported to have what I desire.
I trust that I am supported.
I move through this experience with ease and grace.

Join us for the next moon meditation as we explore the planetary energies that work for us behind the scenes of our everyday life.

Next Opportunities:
Saturday, November 18 – New Moon
Sunday, December 3 – Full Moon
Monday, December 18 – New Moon


Shaman Weekend – October 6 & 7, 2017

Join me for Shaman Weekend starting Friday, October 6. Learn powerful tools to support and strengthen. Experience personal healing, spiritual  growth, and deeper insight. This weekend is sure to shift your perspective and expand your consciousness.

Call (757) 491-6500 to register.  Register for individual mini-workshops, or reserve seating at all 5.

Friday, October 6
Magnify Your Light
7 – 8:30 PM

Saturday, October 7
How to Properly Create an Altar
11:30 A – 1:00 P

Journey With Spirit Animals
2:00 – 4:00 PM

Smudging and Pendulums: Do’s and Don’ts
4:30 – 6:30 PM

Death, Spirit Attachments, Walk-ins and More!
7:00 – 9:00 PM


Trine – Shaman Weekend 2017 Oct from Reiki Wellness_Meditation Center on Vimeo.


We are located within the relaxing oceanfront district of Virginia Beach, VA on the Atlantic coastline. Experience the blessings of nature in this beautiful setting full of green trees, ocean beaches, farmland with abundant waterfowl and wildlife. We are on the Chesapeake Bay waterway, and minutes from several naval bases as well as just a quick jog to North Carolina.  So much to see and do here – kick-off your fall vacation with this weekend of interpersonal growth.





World Peace Meditation Thursday, September 21, 2017

World Peace Meditation
Thursday, September 21
7:30-8:30 PM
Location: Studio Bamboo Institute of Yoga
2861 Lynnhaven Dr, #108,
Virginia Beach, VA 23451, United States

Studio Bamboo

Join Triné Eich-Koehn, Owner/Founder of Reiki Wellness & Meditation Center as she guides us through a world peace meditation. This is an opportunity for the community to come together to promote world peace by opening our heart and simultaneously sending out the vibration of peace, love and light! We are powerful beyond measure. We are one!

Let us together connect, embody and set the intention for peace within ourselves, our lives, our communities and our world.

***This is a free, donation-based event.

Let us know that you’re coming, register online via the link below, or call the front desk to reserve your spot.


Full Moon in Leo – January 2016


This full moon your inner light will be your crystal clear, guiding light. Heart-to-heart you will come  face-to-face with the burning desire to change. Be clear that the change is within. This is not the time to focus on all the changes needed outside ourselves, but rather the time to notice and address our within.

This is also the time to observe our thoughts, yet not get lost in them. The messages will be clear and the mind will do it’s part to organize and facilitate the shifts needed, or required, for the heart’s passions to manifest. Be aware of our over-zealous mind.

As you search the depths of your heart’s desires the past may surface revealing, powerful insight. Embrace the messages of the past, bring them into the moment, and gracefully allow your personal shift to take place.

As conflict may arise, recognize it is the duality of the past and the present, the heart and the ego, your outside and your inside, perhaps others and self. The duality brings completion or wholeness when honored for its light. Give thanks for the light of this Leo moon as it shines brightly so that you may heal the pain of the past and become obedient to your divinity.

Shine brightly and go forward into the vibration you desire.


Guided Meditation – Archangel Uriel

wings and clouds image

Archangel Uriel Guided Meditation
Saturday, Jan 2 @ 7:30 -8:30 pm

$20 (All proceeds go toward the RWMC scholarship fund.)

Join Trine’ as she leads a guided group meditation to assist you in connecting with Archangel Uriel. Archangel Uriel will support you in:

  • Developing your divine channel
  • Moving forward with clarity
  • Creating effortless community with self and others
  • Strengthening the flow of creating in words and actions

757-491-6500 to RSVP or for more information

Visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/trine.koehn

New Moon in Scorpio – November 2015

Be prepared for increases of happiness, health, and wealth during this 28 day cycle!! Write down what you desire as a new moonfresh start. Create a short-term and a long-term list. Just about every area of your life benefit from this new moon.  Some even refer to it as the luckiest new moon of the year!!

This new moon is a powerful time to strengthen your psychic muscle. Continuing over the last two months is the theme of harmony in love relationships.  The next 28 days think about stretching yourself, allowing yourself to find adventure, all the while surrendering to the Divine’s plan and the divine inspiration that hits your heart and your mind.

This moon will allow you space to access core knowledge known as intuitive knowledge and the adventure energy is going to support you in transforming what was into the divine inspiration you just received over the next 28 days.

Give thanks to what has been lost or to instances of death in your life. Once we connect with gratitude for these losses, these deaths, the space will be created for us to sincerely connect and observe what has been reborn because of the deaths. What is transforming through you simply because doors closed, relationships fell away, and loss happened? By doing this you are creating a sacred pathway for your infinite self to shine through, experiencing a larger more magnanimous awareness that goes far beyond how your brain processes.

In finding gratitude in the loss, the shadow, the darkness of fear and attachments become graced with the vibration of light and love and transformation happens! Your heart becomes the beacon as over the next 28 days the ego is set aside while the Divine speaks clearly through the energy of inspiration and intuition.

And thus we find ourselves returning to wholeness. A completeness that is effortless generates internal peace and acceptance!! And once we have even the slightest awareness of internal peace and acceptance, we naturally and effortlessly share it.  We bless people with a smile, we turn the other cheek when someone’s having a rough day, we effortlessly share the vibration of unconditional love coming from ourselves.

So after we create space tonight and give thanks in some way for the pain, loss, death, each of you will take a moment and create a list of your hearts desire. And on the single small sheet you received I invite you to write the one thing you would like me to support you on.  (If you are listening to this on YouTube feel free to private message me with the single one thing you would like support on.) Before you leave place it in the bowl along with the love donations and together we will generate the vibration needed to receive your hearts desire!


I invite you to join us for our final new moon meditation of 2015:

New Moon Guided Meditation
Friday, December 11 – 7-8 PM
Reiki Wellness &  Meditation Center
3104 Arctic Ave
Virginia Beach, VA , USA 23451

logo little green house



New Moon Meditation – September 2015

Trine’s guided meditations are a great way to get comfortable in beginning meditation and are appropriate for all AngelMoon-Vintage-GraphicsFairy1levels of experience. Learning how the universe and planets are working on an energetic level and how that influences our daily life is insightful and helpful when you are doing interpersonal work. And it is a great 1-hour twice a month that helps you stay “in the flow” with the natural and spiritual worlds.

Have you ever wondered the differences between meditation and prayer? Meditations are an opportunity to listen to God. Prayer is talking to God. We are so used to asking for help from Spirit that we forget to stop and listen.

The natural pulse will support you in facilitating the changes you would like to make and sharing in group energy will make it even more powerful!

Bring a journal for note-taking.  Wear comfortable clothing for a casual atmosphere.

Please RSVP by text or phone:  757-491-6500

Family Feuds

Quote about PeaceThe first thing I think of is a 1980’s TV game show. The second thing I think about is a  distant told story or two that my mother would remember – about my aunt so and so and her conflict with cousin so and so and how mean & nasty things could get.

I personally, did not have direct experience with family feuding growing up. Perhaps it was the military upbringing – which quite frankly created conditions where we were not around extended family. There was limited opportunity to be drawn Into situations or perhaps my family did a great job of minding there own business and made choices to stay out of others disagreements.

Whatever the case, as an adult I am truly grateful family feuds were not a part of my normal upbringing.  That does not mean major family disagreements don’t happen in my house! In fact most everyone is so headstrong that disagreements are a regular part of family life. (Of course living one house down from my mother adds interest.)

What is the difference between family “feuding” and disagreements? When we are in disagreement it gets resolved. Usually, both parties recognize their part, their emotions and both sides desire the same conclusion over all, which is resolution.

I have always believed that family is our greatest teacher.  In fact it is our children that teach us the most. How could they not? They are so adept at pushing every button, stretching us thinner and thinner only to give us a great big hug and fill us right back up with love again. What powerful beings they are!!!

The focus of this article, however, is how family is there to make you stronger. Whether you are in a dysfunctional family or one that honors and holds family boundaries, your family is the energy you chose in spirit to come here to support you to access all of who you are. Now sometimes it’s a little difficult to see how a painful or stressful event is really a spiritual development opportunity in camouflage!

Somehow we get in our mind that family is supposed to ‘be there’ for us, that they are supposed to ‘ get us’ or ‘accept us’. It is that very belief that is causing grief in your life. You have expectation of them and you resent their expectation of you. Unintentionally you take action that creates less acceptance & more resentment! Interesting.

What if you STOPPED seeing family with any ‘supposed to ‘ attached – set yourself and your family free! What if mom was just that lady that is eclectic? Man, she sure holds onto stuff. What if granddad was just that guy who likes things just his way and because you know this you simply accept it as his choice (not yours). Now it isn’t a personal attack (even though in the beginning it still feels that it is) when he voices his opinion in opposition of your choice.

Family is the core where our habits start and where they will end. (Your close friends and family are likely to be the people that “trigger” your old habits of behavior.) To help you change the patterns with friends or family, I have put together a “Pocket Guide” to support you in managing your energy.

1.    Be Conscious. There is a difference between knowing what you are getting into and digging a ditch for someone energetically. When you are with family and you have expectation of what everyone will be like, you are digging a ditch for someone to land in. Being conscious keeps you open to all possibilities.

2.    Prepare for family encounters. When you are prepared you stay in expectancy. When you plan on an event happening, you are in expectation.  Have your tool kit ready: When you go in ungrounded and in your head you are already digging a ditch. So if the conversation takes a turn, have a plan. Rather than react, excuse yourself from the conversation and go take a moment (in the bathroom, get something you “forgot” in your car, etc). Allow yourself to practice doing things in a new way.

3.    Be in the moment (present). Always do what is best for you and that will be best for everyone involved. Sometimes being present means to take a moment and breathe. Know your declarations and use them to bring you back to center.

4.    Be detached.When you catch yourself reacting, say: That is unnecessary (and use your tools!).

5.    Active Listening. If someone wants center stage, let them. You will create your own definition of each relationship as you actively listen.

6.    Regroup. Stay centered and grounded. When you have had enough, do what is best for you. (When you are clean, you set a healthy boundary: Tell them

to go home, you go home or go for a walk).  To get out of a conversation: Lean in and put your hand on their arm or leg and say: I am looking forward to hearing the rest of your story AND I need to go make this call (or go help with dinner, etc.)

7.    Be responsible for your energy. Make sure you have an outlet. When you are changing the way you relationship it is helpful to have someone who willlisten. Form a partnership with someone you know who shares the goal of healthy relationship  – call each other when you need someone to listen. And remember, I am always here for you.

It is our expectation of others – their beliefs, actions, words – that causes the friction. Shift your expectation and become free!

Love, love, love!     Triné

Chosen Moments

Choose to enjoy a moment or two (or more) of this radiant day.

It’s a beautiful start to the summer session here in Virginia Beach.

I often take moments throughout the progress of a full schedule on woman in sun, hands on hearta busy day to step from my office into the warm sun and soak up the light. In taking that moment in the middle of a hectic day of back-to-back appointments, I am reminded to really feel the sun on my skin, truly smell the salt air and oh, yes, feel the warm earth under my feet.

Self care? It’s really just about making those moments happen – even when the schedule seemingly does not allow for them. Sure the big vacations and per-determined time off is important too. However, I would suggest, that it’s in the chosen moments throughout the day, where you honor your spirit and listen to your heart that make the big differences….

Choose to enjoy a moment or two, or more of this radiant day.

Have a wonderful day! Life is Love!




Let’s talk about balance.  We eat a balanced diet, we balance our time, we balance our budget, things will balance out, we seek a happy balance, life is a balancing act…  There are many aspects to the energy of BALANCE.

One of my favorite “old” television shows was “The Twilight Zone”.  One of the episodes that  really impressed me years ago started with a man tossing a coin into a tray.  The coin didn’t land on the face or on the back – it landed on the edge of the coin and stayed there all day!  What unfolded was a shift in his consciousness – and it stayed that way until the coin fell.

What a great metaphor for the shift that happens when we find balance!  Stay with me now… we all know that energy is constantly moving.  The coin is on one side or it is on the other.  So let’s stick with the coin as our example: on one side of the coin is action, on the other side is pause. When we are in pause, we have the opportunity to focus on our desires.  We process our feelings; we connect within and get clear on our next step.  Then we move to the other side of the coin, and take action.

We create an experience through our action, i.e. the energy moves.  This is the way nature helps us find balance.  This constant rhythm, the ebb and flow – the way we process both is the balance.

As we expand our awareness, we become practiced at utilizing the pause, in effect, making the pause an action. It is the pause that creates space for healing, setting our intention, fine-tuning our hearts message and getting clear on our authentic beliefs which opens the channel and clears the path for our highest good.  As we develop, we gain the ability to be still and allow the universe to support us, we notice all the ways we are supported to experience our lives with grace and ease.

When we honor the pause, we create space for all of who we are to find balance.

A Weekend Immersion Retreat is coming this month  – Head to Heart Connection – join me and reconnect with all that you are – we will take a pause together and journey within.


About the Retreat Weekend:

Immersion week-end retreat inspired by Triné’s own recent retreat (and the many requests for another retreat).  You are invited to journey with Triné as she takes you through a weekend of magical journeys….

YOUR Journey Within 
This weekend is designed to reconnect, restore & realign! Travel beyond the world we see into the invisible planes where our information is stored.

Reconnect with all aspects of yourself. 
that feeling of one-ness of self through 3 days of laughter, love and community.
Gain insights, clarity & movement on core issues that keep you in the struggle.

Join Triné as she uses all her gifts to create a magical weekend journey.  Bring a friend to share the experience. Give yourself a retreat to create the platform for your next right step!

Past Life Regression
Explore the past lives that are primarily effecting you right now; those that are creating the current obstacles in your path.
Power Animal Journey
Meet and travel with your power animal.  Making this connection will consciously engage you with your innate primal power.
Nature Journey
Walk with us over sacred land in Virginia Beach and experience your own connection to it.
Angel Journey
Connect with the love energy of those benevolent beings assigned to you.
Retreat days:  Friday – Sunday, May 23 – 25

Time: Friday 10am – 8pm. Saturday 10-8pm, Sunday 10-3pm
Cost $450
   > Payment plans with $50 deposit! Scholarships are available!
   > $55 discount! Early bird registration $395 (full payment by April 30)
   > Buddy Bonus! Bring a loved one and receive $125 credit toward: 1) a private session, 2) take off any class, including this retreat! 3)give it to a friend to apply to any class, 4) share the credit with a friend