#LateforSchool & All Conditions Were Perfect!

Ugh.  Anybody else have a #lateforschool start to their day today?  Felt like a Monday rather than a Friday, right?   You with me?

This morning started out like most mornings… I woke up, checked to make sure my son was up, started my morning coffee and went down to start breakfast. What a beautiful day! The sun was shining, the birds were singing and my heart was grateful.

I looked at the time- realized my son was running late and went to his room to check on him. He had fallen back to sleep! He was 30 minutes behind at this point– did I mention we have a rule about being late to school? If he is late, he doesn’t get his computer until the next school day when he is on time.  Yep, no facebook, no gaming, no computer.

You can imagine, he does not want to be late for school… And he missed his ride to school this morning.

In an effort to support him, I got dressed quickly and offered to take him. We left for school with seemingly no hope of arriving on time.

At this moment, my son had a choice to declare what he wanted for his day or focus on what seemingly went wrong this morning. I asked him to repeat to himself: All Conditions Are Perfect… Which is a declaration we use in our house to keep the vibration high, while I used various energy management tools to raise the vibration as well.

As we made our way through traffic, we hit every green light. Half way there my son looked at my phone to see how much time we had- and we kept using our tools.

As we pulled up to his school, He checked the time… And “All Conditions Are Perfect” as he walked in the school at the exact time he was to be there!

It is important to teach ourselves and our children to command the vibration of each experience. If you would like to know more about the many tools that you can use to raise the vibration of your life, come see me at The Reiki Wellness & Meditation Center.
Life Is Love!
